Hey everyone. I got linked by TrueHoop again today, but the link was (at my request) to my more "formal" site that I write at for free, MVN, which was new-I appreciate the publicity going to an established site like Cavalier Attitude and passionate writers like Amar and James, but at the same time I'm feeling a wee bit of remorse right now, because if Henry's going to link me there, my little swatch of internet here will slowly but surely fade into obscurity, and I really like it here. I love my USC-colored pallet that is very striking but makes things a little harder to read. I like my picture of Baron's Fedora. I like the name Truth In A Bullet Fedora.
I've been so eager to jump from being a "blogger" to a "writer" that I never really stopped to appreciate just how much I love my little blog. I love being able to write about what I want at any length; unless I reach Simmons status, I can't envision a real sportswriting job that would allow me to pontificate on how Dan Fegan would try to get me laid. I love posting under a pseudonym that is essentially made up of my last name, but still makes me feel mysterious. I love my little sitemeter, and feel a pang of sorrow, because if the link had gone here today, in all likelihood I would have been pushed over 31,000 hits, which is more than the undergraduates at my college, which I would have considered a big moral victory. I like being in charge of my blog, and knowing that people are spending their valuable time to go on an internet detour just to see what I think. I like commenting on my own articles and feeling like I'm descending from Olympus to do it.
Simply put, my voice reigns supreme here, and everywhere else it's just another in the crowd. On MVN today, I got no happy little ballhype message in my inbox that said I'd been linked, no random surge of comments, (not even on MVN-the two posts I've had linked by TrueHoop and not cause a ruckus of any sort were the ones that made fairly safe declarations and applied them to my personal life, although none of the stuff in this post was anywhere near being true. I guess people don't want to comment unless they can express a bold opinion of their own. It's a bummer, because I like writing posts like this and the Ferry's desk piece a million times more than a breakdown of Durant's game.) There was no big jump on my little sitemeter, no nothing-just a vague knowledge that more people had gone to my site than go there normally. It made me sad.
Right now, TBF is at a crossroads; it's done well enough to get me some recognition from writers I absolutely adore (honestly, you should see the emails I send them back-I sound like a 12-year old Justin Timberlake fan) and the occasional visit from John Q. Sports Fan, but not quite well enough to get a substantial daily readership. (If you're reading this, you're one of my 100-200 daily viewers. You Rule.) I was thinking about bringing in one of my friends to put up daily bullets and make this the kind of place that people would put in their bookmarks instead of glance at every 2-3 weeks, and sent him out an email, but now I'm wavering, because I'm just not sure that's where my path is going to lead me. I know in my head that keeping my links going to MVN is probably better in the long run, but in my heart I want to make this place work, even though it has no possibility to produce revenue.
In any case, I'm going to enjoy TBF while it lasts, and expect a post that has no aspirations of any kind of wide recognition sometime in the near future. Good day, few faithful readers.
Hey Krolik,
Don't give up on TBF. As a 'daily checker' I look forward to your updates, and read them when I should be studying. 100-200 daily hits is pretty good, and I'm sure you know that word-of-web can spread suddenly and unexpectedly... I've already shared your site with a few friends, and if you curtailed your updates, it'd make me look very bad... Seriously though, you've got a good thing going here, don't abandon it for slightly greener pastures.
this is easily my favorite blog. i love your opinions on things not only because they are unique, but also because they are so well thought out. and i dont just mean stuff like the kevin durant post; i enjoyed the britney post, vick, if the world went nellieball, the ferry/fegan posts, etc. those were all great and way fun to read. i really hope you keep it going.
plus it's only been 2 months or so! patience :)
I cannot put into words how much I enjoy calling you my colleague, and I also don't know how to properly thank you for how much you have helped me and Cavalier Attitude in the very short time you've been aboard. You've lived up to the hype every bit, and I was very excited when I saw your post on TrueHoop today. The upcoming season is going to be unbelievable with you around, and I'd be understating things if I told you that I am looking forward to tip-off 2007-08 very, very much.
I check your sight everyday krolik, I love it, it has many of the same qualities as the slam website does, but is actually readable on my sidekick(unlike slam). Your posts are great and I like coming here and reading them, please don't stop with it, cause it is great
i love your stuff, and i thank god that you usually update it on a fairly frequent basis, so dont give up on it eh.
You write interesting stuff, and I'll be linking, I'm sure, wherever it is, without real prejudice. (My policy is something like "hey, lookie here!" I'll link to that!) Double-posting the same thing in two places, though, is a little weird, to me, though. I say write different stuff for each place you publish, then you won't be subjected to that weirdness. Or publish the whole thing in once place, and link to it from the other. Just my unsolicited two cents. I'm going to go back to minding my own business now.
Okay, sometimes I forget who might be reading. Wow. I've been double (and sometimes triple) posting out of my crippling fear that I'll write something insightful in an empty forest and nobody will be around to hear it, but you're right in saying that it's time to get past that, and now that I know you're actually reading at both places, expect my publishing habits to change.
Someday, I hope to have the type of setup that Shoals has right now: quick hits on the FanHouse, formal essays at Longform Shoals, and his own little lawless corner of internet at FD, and have people read all 3.
Like others, I put you (this version of you) in my RSS feed a few weeks ago via TrueHoop. There's an elegance and a thought-outness to your writing that I love and keep wanting to come back to; your style really sticks out in an era of two-sentence paragraphs and (as much as I love them) bullet points.
Oh, and as for commenting - I'm glad to hear you like positive feedback because I get nervous about sounding like a demented fangirl. There are a quite a few blogs I read on which I could comment some variation of "Wow, you're awesome!" every day. Keep it up, Krolik.
(Signed) Pac-10 English major
...somewhere in the world of Nellieball
We have a woman reader! This is a big day for TBF.
please think about changing your colors. light-on-dark is the opposite of what we typically read. so it leaves an annoying blur when we read anything else afterwards.
perhaps a dark green on pale green would work.
ah...trojan colors. i withdraw my color request.
go usc
you are a funny SOB. don't give up on this blog. most sports writing is redundant and superficial.
you could be a simmons, except he is getting old and fat and is a closet racist (this is proven).
utdxfV You have a talant! Write more!
11ZEGG Please write anything else!
lZce2h The best blog you have!
4NGJZM Magnific!
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
TFTCzt write more, thanks.
Hello all!
Thanks to author.
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Good job!
Thanks to author.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
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Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
Hello all!
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